Posted by
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009
i followed mel to the city to...
catch a movie!!

& so we begin our journey fr home, taking BUS---TRAIN---TRAM to arrive at the destination

CHINA town

Flinders st station
after walking fr quite some time, we r quite lost..coz..
we dun really know the exact location of it

could it be here?!

look out for maps..
& walk further into the garden

till we see

tadah!! we r not lost..
thts the right place :D

looks like the ppl here r having some picnic more than watching a movie rite..
& im still thinking how do they put up the screen

they inflate the airbag & screen the movie

oh, thru out the whole movie, the thing i had in mind was..
wht time does it ends..coz
its freezing cold!!
coz i didnt hav much warm clothing wif
but it indeed was a great experience..
specially thanks to

my another big sis BERNICE !!
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